
Dart is an AI-powered project management platform to significantly reduce the time teams spend on project management tasks. By automating a third of project management activities through AI-based solutions, Dart streamlines workflows, enhances productivity, and simplifies the daily grind of project management. It’s backed by Y Combinator and powers innovators across various industries.

Key Features:

  • AI Automation: Dart uses GPT-4 powered technology to automate task categorization, assignment, sizing, prioritization, and scheduling.
  • Duplicate Task Detection: Prevents redundancy by detecting duplicate tasks before they’re created.
  • Workflow Automation: From filling out descriptions or short PRDs to automating your workflow, Dart simplifies project management.
  • Intuitive Command Center: Features a hyper-efficient command center for managing tasks with intuitive keyboard controls.
  • ChatGPT Plugin: View, edit, and create tasks through a ChatGPT plugin, enhancing task creation and detail filling with NLP.
  • Customizable Workspace: Allows for extensive customization including fields, statuses, colors, tags, and more, tailored to your project needs.


  • Time Savings: Automates routine project management tasks, freeing up time for more critical work.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlines communication and task management, ensuring projects stay on track.
  • Improved Planning: Facilitates better project planning and execution with AI-driven insights and automation.
  • Collaboration: Optimizes team collaboration by integrating with tools like Slack, GitHub, and more, keeping everyone aligned.

Ideal for:

  • R&D Teams: Looking to optimize their project management processes and focus on innovation.
  • Project Managers: Seeking AI-powered tools to streamline task management and improve team productivity.
  • Developers and Designers: Needing an efficient way to manage tasks, from coding to design projects, with AI assistance.
  • Business Leaders: Aiming to reduce the overhead of project management and enhance team efficiency.

Dart is revolutionizing project management with its AI-driven approach, saving teams a significant amount of time on project management tasks. Whether you’re looking to automate task assignments or streamline your entire workflow, Dart provides the tools and technology to make it happen.

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