
Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 NLP model, Resumy is revolutionizing the way job seekers create their resumes. With Resumy, you can transform your resume into a professional format recommended by thousands of recruiters. In just two minutes, you can triple your job interviews and stand out from the crowd.

Resumy utilizes proven templates that have been backed by years of experience in the industry. Contrary to popular belief, a simple and easy-to-read resume is more effective in catching the attention of recruiters. Founder Raman Sha, who has reviewed over a thousand resumes and cover letters, has incorporated his extensive knowledge into the AI resume model.

So how does Resumy work? Simply upload your current resume, with no need to create a profile or login. The specialized AI analyzes your resume, identifying issues, discrepancies, and grammar errors, and then fixes them automatically. The result? A sleek and sophisticated PDF resume that is poised to impress.

One of the key features of Resumy is its commitment to privacy. We do not permanently store your resume or any personal information. During the Beta period, your parsed resume is stored for debugging purposes for only five days before being permanently deleted. As we continue to gather feedback and cover more edge cases, this storage time will decrease back to zero days.

While AI may not take your job, a poor resume definitely can. That’s why Resumy is here to help you create a professional resume without all the hassle. Instead of spending hours writing, editing, and formatting your resume, you can get it done with Resumy for a flat fee of $10. But here’s the best part – you can even get it for free! Simply use referral program and earn a free resume upgrade every time someone buys a resume uplift via your referral code.

If you need personalized help and career coaching, the partners at Resume Writer have a combined decade of experience in rewriting resumes. They are ready to assist you in taking your resume to the next level.

Once your stellar resume is ready, it’s time to apply for jobs in the fields of Cryptocurrency, Web3, and Cyber Security, among others.

Say goodbye to resume writing stress and hello to Resumy. This AI-powered resume builder simplifies the process, saving you time and effort. Get started today and let Resumy help you land your dream job.

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