
ChatDB is an innovative AI-powered tool to simplify the process of generating SQL queries and building powerful, beautiful dashboards without any coding required. Aimed at users who appreciate visually appealing dashboards but dislike the complexity of writing SQL, ChatDB offers a no-code solution that allows you to ask your database complex questions using natural language. It’s perfect for teams looking to extract valuable insights from their data without spending hours on query development.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered SQL Generation: ChatDB uses advanced AI to understand your questions, even those involving multi-table joins and business-specific terminology, and automatically writes the SQL for you.
  • Instant Chart Creation: Enables the creation of captivating charts in seconds, providing the insights needed for your business.
  • Spreadsheet-Like Interface: Offers a user-friendly way to find and view data, with database tables presented in a spreadsheet view for ease of access.


  • Saves Time: Eliminates the need to spend hours writing and refining SQL queries.
  • No SQL Knowledge Required: Allows anyone on your team to query the database, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Enhanced Data Visualization: Quickly turn data insights into beautiful dashboards and charts, enhancing decision-making processes.
  • Accessible Data Insights: Makes it easier for teams to access, analyze, and share data insights without the bottleneck of SQL query development.

Ideal for:

  • Business Analysts: Who need quick access to data insights without delving into SQL.
  • Data Teams: Looking for efficient ways to create and share dashboards and reports.
  • Product Managers: Who require data to make informed decisions but prefer to focus on product development rather than SQL coding.
  • Marketing Teams: Needing to visualize campaign performance and customer data without relying on data scientists or engineers.

ChatDB transforms your approach to database management by bridging the gap between complex SQL queries and the need for fast, actionable business insights. With ChatDB, creating detailed reports and dashboards becomes as simple as asking a question, allowing your team to focus on using data to drive business success rather than getting bogged down by the technicalities of database querying.

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