
Findly is an innovative AI tool to transform how businesses interact with their Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data. By enabling users to chat directly with their GA4 data, Findly simplifies the process of extracting insights, making data analysis as easy as having a conversation. This platform is perfect for businesses looking for a user-friendly alternative to traditional GA4 interfaces, offering intuitive visualizations and the ability to generate and export comprehensive reports.

Key Features:

  • AI-Powered Conversations: Engage with your GA4 data through natural language, asking questions and receiving insights in real-time.
  • Intuitive Visualizations: Automatically generates tailored visualizations, helping you understand your data at a glance.
  • Seamless Integration: Connects directly to your Google Analytics account, providing instant access to your data.
  • Quick Export: Enables one-click export of findings into comprehensive PDF reports, showcasing all visualized insights.
  • Accessible Insights: Designed to be accessible, allowing users to ask straightforward questions like, “How many monthly active users did we have last month?”
  • Streamlined Authentication: Authenticate your GA4 account with Findly AI to start utilizing your data immediately.


  • Efficient Decision Making: Obtain information instantly, improving company-wide decision-making processes.
  • No Technical Expertise Required: Translates complex data into easy-to-understand language, eliminating the need for a data science background.
  • Time-Saving: Provides real-time insights, reducing the wait for weekly reports and accelerating the insight generation process.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitates communication and sharing of insights within teams, especially when integrated with platforms like Slack.

Ideal for:

  • Business Owners: Seeking to make data-driven decisions without deep diving into analytics.
  • Marketing Professionals: Needing quick access to performance metrics and campaign results.
  • Data Analysts: Looking for a more intuitive way to interact with and analyze GA4 data.
  • Teams Using Slack: Who benefit from discussing and sharing insights directly within their communication platform.

Findly offers a groundbreaking approach to data analysis, making GA4 data conversations as simple as chatting with a friend. Its AI-driven interface, combined with powerful visualization and reporting capabilities, positions Findly as a must-have tool for businesses aiming to leverage their analytics data more effectively.

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