
ormGPT is an innovative Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool that leverages OpenAI’s capabilities to translate plain human language into SQL queries and execute them on a database. This project represents a novel approach to database interaction, aiming to simplify the process of generating and executing SQL queries for developers. It supports a wide range of database dialects and languages, making it a versatile tool for global development teams.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Database Support: Compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, catering to a broad spectrum of database technologies.
  • Multi-Language Support: Understands and processes commands in English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, and many more.
  • AI-Powered Query Generation: Translates natural language instructions into precise SQL queries, streamlining database operations.
  • Example Query Execution: Demonstrates the capability to handle complex queries involving multiple database relations, such as fetching posts, comments, and user information in a single command.

Installation and Usage:

  • Easy Installation: Available for installation via npm, yarn, or pnpm.
  • Simple Setup: Requires setting up a database schema file for generating queries, with support for various database adapters to connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite databases.
  • API Key Configuration: Utilizes an OpenAI API key for processing natural language queries.

Why ormGPT?

The creator of ormGPT was inspired by the rapid evolution of ORMs in the JavaScript ecosystem and the growing interest in AI technologies. This project is an experiment to merge the convenience of ORMs with the power of AI for generating SQL queries, offering a unique tool for developers.


  • ormGPT is released under the MIT license, ensuring it is free to use, modify, and distribute.

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