
Video Summary AI is a specialized tool to provide educational summaries of long YouTube videos. It’s tailored to make learning and information gathering more efficient, especially for users who prefer summaries in their own language. This tool is exclusively free and accessible for ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

Key Features:

  1. Educational Summaries: Offers concise summaries of lengthy YouTube videos, focusing on educational content.
  2. Multilingual Support: Provides summaries in various languages, catering to a diverse user base.
  3. Easy Accessibility: Exclusively available for ChatGPT Plus subscribers, ensuring a seamless and integrated experience.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive, allowing for quick access to video summaries.


  • Time-Saving: Enables users to grasp the essence of long videos quickly without watching them in full.
  • Enhanced Learning: Assists in educational and research activities by providing key insights from videos.
  • Language Accessibility: Makes content accessible in multiple languages, breaking language barriers in learning.
  • Exclusive Access: Offers a unique value-add for ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

Ideal For:

  • Students, researchers, and lifelong learners looking for quick insights from educational YouTube content.
  • ChatGPT Plus subscribers seeking additional tools to enhance their learning experience.
  • Anyone interested in efficient and multilingual summaries of video content.

Video Summary AI is an innovative tool that transforms the way users interact with educational content on YouTube. By providing quick and accessible summaries, it enhances the learning experience, making it more efficient and inclusive.

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