YOYA.ai is an artificial general intelligence platform that empowers individuals to build their own personalized generative AI applications without any coding. With its innovative use of natural language and LLMs, YOYA makes it easy to create next-generation software. One of its standout features is the ability to create custom chatbots instantly. All you need to do is paste your website URL and select the pages where you want the bot to be able to answer questions. YOYA then trains the chatbot on your chosen website pages and makes it available for use on all supported platforms.

But that’s not all – YOYA also supports connecting to external data sources. By simply entering a URL, you can import data and build personalized AI applications on top of it. The possibilities are endless! Whether you’re looking for a no-code platform, JavaScript integration, APIs, or more, YOYA’s rich interface has got you covered. And if that’s not enough, they have even more exciting features on the horizon.

What sets YOYA apart is its focus on personalization and ease of use. With just one click of a button, you can create your project effortlessly. The entire setup process is as simple as filling out a form. Additionally, YOYA allows you to build GPT chatbots for everything based on your personal data in a matter of minutes.

Whether you’re an individual looking to explore the world of AI or an organization in need of a powerful tool, YOYA is your go-to platform. It offers an intuitive interface, supports external data sources, and enables you to unleash your imagination. Say goodbye to coding limitations and start building your personalized generative AI applications with YOYA.ai today.

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